Human rights commissions across Canada applaud BC Government’s move towards reinstating a BC Human Rights Commission
Human rights commissions across Canada applaud BC Government’s move towards reinstating a BC Human
Rights Commission
Human Rights Commission across Canada – members of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights
Agencies (CASHRA) – applaud the government of British Columbia’s plans to establish an independent human
rights commission.
CASHRA is comprised of Canada’s territorial, provincial and federal human rights commissions. It has a mandate
to promote human rights in Canada and take public positions on issues of concern on behalf of its member
agencies. In September of 2002, members of CASHRA strongly urged the BC Government to maintain its human
rights commission. In the fall of 2017, CASHRA members expressed support and provided input into the BC
Government’s public consultations on the creation of a BC Human Rights Commission.
“Since 2002, British Columbians have been denied the benefits of the expertise, education, and advocacy of an
independent human rights commission,” said Charles Dent, CASHRA Chairperson and Chair of the Northwest
Territories Human Rights Commission.” CASHRA members look forward to welcoming and working with the new
BC Human Rights Commission.”
Human rights commissions play an important role in the prevention and elimination of discrimination.
Commissions provide free and accessible public education, undertake research on broad systemic issues,
develop guidelines, provide policy advice and support, and promote human rights compliance.