New Online Training Course Helps Create Safer Workplaces for All Canadians

New Online Training Course Helps Create Safer Workplaces for All Canadians

JUNE 26, 2019  – Today, the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA) launched Safer Spaces in Canada, its second online training course developed to educate Canadians and protect human rights. The launch took place at the association’s annual national conference in Charlottetown, PEI.

Safer Spaces in Canada addresses the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, a serious problem brought to light through the #MeToo movement and denouncements of such behaviour from across the globe.

“Addressing sexual harassment begins with employers having a clear sexual harassment policy, educating staff and enforcing the policy,” said Charles Dent, chair of CASHRA. “Through partnerships with business associations and their membership, CASHRA hopes to make it easier for employers and their staff to find the information they need to address, and prevent, further harms at work.”

Safer Spaces in Canada is the second in a series of free online training courses offered in both official languages on the association’s website.  Serving All in Canada, a course developed to address consumer racial profiling was launched in December 2018.

Course material includes situational learning, best practices and advice for employers on how to properly address sexual harassment, as well as resources for employees that may have experienced sexual harassment.

You can find Safer Spaces in Canada at